Today we will look at 3D Train Studio V6. This game allows you to create a model railway on a wooden board. In the video we first discuss the 2 versions of the game whilst looking at the basic config pages, then look at a map a player has previously created and finally try to make one ourselves.

The version of the game we play is 100% FREE with no time limits or methods of forcing you to upgrade. There are a couple of limitations over the paid version which are a limit of assets you can use on a layout, the limit of layers that can be used, plus you cannot share layouts. Other than that build what you want as you have full access to the asset catalogue.

Some questions we look at are:
How easy is it to lay track and add scenery?
How many free mods does it have?
Are the graphics any good?
Is it worth downloading?

So… is the game any good? Well… watch the video and decide for yourself. Feel free to post your comments, questions and thoughts

Would you play the FREE version or pay for the upgraded version?

Any prices quoted in the video are correct at Feb 2021 and might be different when you watch the video.

If you would like to download the game yourself head to

If you are interested I also have some written reviews on my website about many train games.

For more info on this product visit (non affiliate direct site link)

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